Sharing the harvest
among us

Become a sponsor for the 10th annual Mulberry Madness!

1 in every 4 Baltimore City residents live in a food desert.

Cultivating Orchards + Cultivating Communities

Cultivating Orchards + Cultivating Communities

Our communities face hunger and malnutrition, overabundance of vacant lots, need for storm water management, alienation from nature, and few green spaces for neighborhood recreation.

We work with schools, congregations, neighborhoods, and individuals to create productive food sources, neighborhood gathering places, and lively ecosystems that keep Baltimore’s communities healthy.

We focus on planting, harvesting, and stewardship to support Baltimore.


We plant trees across the city to increase access and production of local fruits and nuts, manage storm water runoff, improve air quality, and responsibly bring nature to the city.


We harvest orchards, street trees and approved private trees to give fruit away to human service organizations and sell in local underserved communities at affordable prices.


We connect volunteers with fruit and nut trees in their neighborhoods to learn proper tree care through lively workshops, events, and illustrated training materials.

Home Orchard Project

The goal of BOP’s Home Orchard Project is to plant free micro-orchards in the yards of Baltimore City homeowners.

With funding from the Sunshine for All program and additional donors, BOP pays professionals to plant 1 fruit tree, 2 blueberry bushes, and native perennial plants in the yards of approved BOP/HOP applicants.

BOP is currently focusing on making yards in the Callaway-Garrison and Reservoir Hill neighborhoods more fruitful, but will be expanding to additional Baltimore City neighborhoods in the future. 

If you’re interested in participating in BOP’s Home Orchard Project, send us a message for more information and next steps!

Email Us!

Get Involved

Getting involved can mean different things for different people depending on time and resources. Between volunteering, partnering, donating and even registering your own fruit tree there may be an option that is right for you!